Qualified & Highly Trained

Our Educators possess formal qualifications that enable them to deliver high quality early education programs based on the Early Years Learning Framework. Through these programs, they aim to facilitate a smooth transition to early years schooling and instil a lifelong love for learning in your child. Their unwavering commitment is to help every child realise their full potential, fostering a sense of accomplishment and success.
We prioritise the continuous growth and development of our Educators through ongoing training and professional development initiatives. This ensures that they remain well-informed in the latest developments and research in the field of early childhood education. We hold regular ‘Lunch & Learn’ sessions for our Educators as one of these professional development initiatives. This learning format allows Educators to undertake professional development in a half hour session, on topics such as Addressing Challenging Behaviours; Adult/Child Relationship Development and Management; and Safety to name a few.
In addition to formal qualifications in Early Childhood, our Educators also hold current CPR, First Aid, Asthma and Anaphylaxis Certificates and adhere to the Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations, upholding the highest standards of care. To ensure we provide the safest possible environment for your child, our Educators remain certified through an annual training program that is paid for by the company. Annual Child Protection training is also completed to support creating child-safe environments.
At Children First, we are dedicated to training and developing the next generation of Educators through partnering with local Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to offer traineeships in our centres. These partnerships with local RTOs in each state, also extends to supporting our qualified Educators to advance their formal qualifications. For example, advancing from a Cert III to a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care.