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Empowering Futures Through Effective Transitional Strategies

January 30, 2024

Embarking on the journey of early childhood education holds a mix of excitement and challenges for both young learners and their families. Most importantly though, it provides the opportunity to empower futures through nurturing young minds.

As childcare providers, Children First Early Education plays a crucial role in ensuring a positive transition by providing a supportive environment for both children and their parents.

Our long day care centres provide families additional support during their initial weeks of enrolment. Even our brand-new centres like Children First Windsor Gardens and Children First Salisbury Downs (both in Adelaide) will implement processes like gradual entry programs, which allow children to acclimate to the new environment at their own pace. This approach helps build a sense of trust between the child and the caregivers, promoting a smoother transition.

As we open more Children First centres across Victoria, South Australia and Queensland in 2024, it is imperative that we put the needs of the children and their parents first to ensure a smooth transition for all.

"At Children First Early Education, all our decision making is centred around ensuring the needs, development, and wellbeing of the child is always our first priority."

In this blog, we will explore the ways in which our Children First Early Education centres assist new children and families settle into care; transition to new classrooms; and graduate to a formal school environment.

Supporting New Families

Encouraging families to have as many ‘meet and greets’ as required is key for a positive transition believes Emma Lyon, Centre Director from Children First Evanston Park.

‘Families are invited to attend 1-3 ‘Meet & Greets’ at our centres prior to their first official day of care, however they can have as many as they need to start building that important bond between Educator and child. It is important for children to feel safe and somewhat familiar in their new environment on their first day of care,’ says Emma.

‘We also ring parents on the first day to give them an update on how their little one is going. Communication is an important tool to alleviating any anxiety parents may be feeling,’ continued Emma.

To best support parents, effective communication between our childcare centres and parents is essential. Our Children First centres provide regular updates, whether through daily reports or informal conversations, to keep parents informed about their child's experiences. This transparent communication helps parents feel involved in their child's daily life at the centre, easing any anxieties they may have.

At Children First Early Education we provide families with a parent communication mobile app called Kindyhub. The app allows parents to share in their child’s learning journey, by providing daily photos, stories and achievements. It is a valuable communication tool for supporting parents and also allows parents to gain a deeper understanding of how their child is developing.

As part of our enrolment process, we also ask new parents to fill out an ‘All About Me’ form on behalf of their children.  This provides important information like how to best comfort them, what they enjoy playing, their interests etc. so that our Educators can provide build a bond as quickly as possible and provide the highest quality of care.

Transitioning to a New Classroom

It is this time of the year when most children begin transitioning to their new classrooms.  Children who have completed their Kindergarten Program will be starting primary school in January or February and so many children will move up to their new classroom as space becomes available.

At Children First Evanston Park, Centre Director Emma Lyon shares her strategies behind supporting a seamless transition for the children in the Tiny Tots classroom, as they graduate to the Toddler classroom this year.

‘At the moment we have the children from Tiny Tots visiting their new Toddler classroom multiple times over a two-week period so that can become familiar with their new classroom, Educators and routine. We begin with just morning visits; then extend it to over the lunch period, before finally they spend a full day in their new classroom.  Those children who only attend our centre a couple of days a week will usually have a longer transition period of 4 weeks, so they also have sufficient time to adjust,’ said Emma.

Knowing what to expect provides a sense of security for children, helping them settle into the new environment more comfortably. This predictability fosters a sense of stability, which is crucial for early childhood development.

‘We assess individually whether a child is ready to go to their new classroom and if necessary, we will revisit transitioning them at a later date.  It all depends on the child as their needs and wellbeing are our first priority,’ continued Emma.

Preparing for Formal School

Knowing what to expect in the school environment helps children to make a smooth transition, and preparing children for this needs to begin long before their first day of school.

Our school readiness program equips children with the skills needed to transition to a formal school environment. However, at Children First Early Education our aim is to also ensure they are well prepared for their onward learning journey into a formalised school setting.

As part of the Kindergarten Program at Children First Evanston Park, Centre Director Emma Lyon will be building relationships with local primary schools, Xavier College and Evanston Gardens Primary Schools. This is so the centre can coordinate several visits to the schools across the year to support the children’s transition.

Towards the end of the year, a formal discussion is scheduled to share information with parents and Teachers and support each child’s transition to school. This discussion provides an opportunity for parents and other partners to collaboratively create a summary of a child’s learning in the form of a transition statement.

Celebrating with a Graduation Ceremony at the end of the year is also an important part of supporting children to transition to school at Children First. A graduation event can help ease the transition to big school, by showing children that it is exciting that they are moving on and there are more thrilling things to come. Above all, it allows children to feel proud for all they have achieved during the year.

By adopting these thoughtful practices and placing the child at the centre of our decision making, we contribute to a positive transition for the children in our care.

Are you looking to start your child in care this year?  We have new long day care centres opening soon in Cranbrook, Mitcham, Mernda, Athelstone and Lightsview. Book a tour at your closest Children First Early Education centre and start your transition journey with us today!

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